a movement that aims to change the way we see life, promote excellence in all people and destroy the spirit of mediocrity in all men

Sunday, November 21, 2010
O God of creation,
Direct our noble cause,
Guide our leaders right ,
And our youth the truth to know,
In love and honesty to grow,
And living just and true,
Great lofty heights attain,
To build a nation where ,
Peace and justice shall reign.
This second verse is not as popular as the first, yet it is my belief that it is just as important. It is a very deep and powerful verse which reveals a lot about the foundation of this nation. The first line says “oh God of creation” this line shows that our forefathers, who fought for our freedom, established this nation on a belief and reliance on God, not just any god but the Alpha and Omega , THE GOD OF CREATION . This second verse is a prayer. When we sing it, we should sing as such. It’s a cry to God to support our nation. We ask for direction for our cause through time (line 2). We seek his guidance for our leaders and enlightenment for our youth- the future leaders . We pray to become a people of integrity , filled with love for one another and our country(lines 5 and 6). We ask that with all these in place we will attain the great height for which have always been destined and finally TAKE OUR PLACE in the world. Finally, we pray for unity in our great diversity, that we will be a nation where peace and justice reign. The author of this anthem looked and saw the possible problems that we would encounter and wrote this prayer as part of the anthem, so that as we sing we as a nation are united in prayer and sow a good seed into our future as a nation. You will agree that our leaders in all spheres of life are in need of guidance – for most of our leaders , the way they are, is not the way they should be. Our youth are in desperate need the truth about life, many are living a life with tangled priorities and misguided notion of life. We need a good dose of integrity. Peace, unity and justice are more than needed in our society. It is high time we showed the world that greatness that is within us. Clearly , looking at where we are today , we need the help of God in getting to where we wish to be. It’s not something we can on our own.
The next time you sing this verse , sing with your heart, mind and soul; pray it, mean it. you may ask what you can do for your nation? This is one thing you can do : T.Y.P and sow this seed of prayer into its future.
NOTE :The pledge will be final post under this topic and it will come later, I have other things in mind to write about. So watch out for the next post. As usual feedback is appreciated and constructive criticism will not be ignored. T.Y.P is now on facebook so you can join by following this link : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Take-Your-Place-TYP/139977259386581
Till next time...
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Nigeria is 50! Should we rejoice or should we cry? Should we celebrate or should we mourn. Many are divided as to what to do at this time. We are all filled with mixed emotions. In this post I seek to sort out my feelings and hopefully help you sort out yours.
Those who say we have no cause to celebrate have a very valid point. I asked myself this question: what really do we have to celebrate? Is it 50 years of corruption? or 50 years of social, economic, political and educational degradation; maybe its 50 years of deplorable and unstable leadership; or 50 years of embarrassing ourselves on the world stage. It could be 50 years of intertribal and religious wars; or 50 years of criminal acceleration. Are we celebrating 50 years of steady decline into poverty or 50 years of chaos and decadence? The questions go on and on. Looking at the past 50 years do we have a cause to celebrate?
After giving the question some thought, I have to conclude that YES, we do have a reason to celebrate. What?! You say, didn’t I just list all the reasons we have not to celebrate. So why would I turn and say that we have a reason to rejoice? Let me tell what we are celebrating. We are celebrating the fact that in spite of the corruption, wars and conflicts, socio-economic and political downfall, educational decline, we are still here, we have survived. We are rejoicing in the fact that Nigeria is still here despite the odds, that though we have been pressed we are not crushed, though we are knocked down we are not destroyed. We celebrate the ability of the Nigerian people to smile and enjoy life in the midst of debilitating circumstances. We pay tribute to the labour of our forefathers. We honour the strength of the Nigerian people and her indomitable spirit that refuses to accept defeat. We celebrate the fact that after 50 years we are still one nation despite all the events that have threatened to pull us apart. We praise the ability of our people to persevere and even thrive under the most deplorable conditions. In summary we celebrate the Nigerian spirit. The spirit of strength, tenacity, determination, perseverance, hope, optimism pride in who we are, dignity, hard work and confidence (that GOD gave us )that has kept us thus far.
I am proudly Nigerian. I am proud to be counted among a people who are characterized by determination and strength, who excel against all odds, a people that are extraordinary, a people of dignity, a people rich in every way mentionable, a people of joy , a nation of survivors, a people of excellence. So yes, I will celebrate Nigeria at 50 and above all I will pray for her, that this day will mark her first step into glory and the realization of her full potential. I pray that she will today begin to take her place in the world.
NessaD (proudly Nigerian.)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Are you a patriotic citizen? Before you hastily answer , think deeply about the question. We all at some point in time have sung the national anthem and recited the pledge. When you do any of these things , do you think about the words you sing and recite, the vow you make. Have you lived up to the words of the anthem , fulfilled your pledge to your nation. In a series of posts, I will work through the anthem and pledge and how the deep meaning and importance of these national anthem.
In this post, I will start with the national anthem. What is an anthem? Is it just a song that we sing before a football match or in the mornings at school or on television before the day’s broadcast begins.... ? NO, it is much more than a song. The anthem is a song adopted by a country to express the values and patriotic feeling. In other words our anthem was established to awaken our patriotic feelings towards our nation. It also encompasses the values and ethics and principles of the nation. It reflects what our forefathers believed and sought to pass on. It shows the love we should have for our country as well as what our nation demands of us.
We know the first verse of the anthem quite well:
Arise oh compatriots
Nigeria’s call obey
To serve our fatherland
With love and strength and faith
The labour of our heroes past
Shall never be in vain,
To serve with heart and might
One nation bound in freedom
Peace and unity
The first 2 lines is a constant call to serve. It says arise. Arise is call to stand, to take your place in the fight for the sanity of this nation. Arise is a call to take a front seat in determining the future of the country. The Oxford dictionary defines ‘arise’ as start to exist or be noticed. In other words, Nigeria is calling us to stand out and to be noticed. She is calling us to stand and fight for the preservation of the nation, of her values, of all that she represents and stands for. Nigeria is calling her citizens to defend her . to be stand out, to take their place.
She elaborates her call I lines 3 and 4. She calls us to serve our fatherland. This the land we were born into. It is the both the land of our fathers and ours too. She call us to serve our fatherland not out of duty, but out of love. Nigeria desires for us to love her and cherish her, if we truly love our nation we would do what is best for her and her people. Those in power will use their authority to promote the progress of the country, to ensure the betterment of the citizens. We the citizens would also seek the best for our country. If we truly loved her we would obey the laws of the land, shun corruption and do our part to preserve the country.
Nigeria also calls out to us to serve her with strength and faith. She desires that we serve her with an unwavering belief in her and with courage. In this time when all hope seems lost and it looks as though Nigeria can never live up to her potential, she cries out louder “serve with strength and faith.” Faith is believing in what you cannot see. We as Nigerians are called to stand anywhere and declare our unwavering belief in our nation, no matter the what the reality or circumstances say. We are called to continually hope in this nation, to support her , to carry her dreams and to stand tall and proud as her citizens.
Lines 5 and 6 remind us of why we ought to serve our country with strength and faith. Our forefathers, the heroes of this nation gave their lives so that we may enjoy our freedom; for our today they gave their tomorrow. The least we can do is to ensure that their sacrifice and labour of love is not in vain, that all that which they valiantly fought for remains and stands the test of time. “The labour of our heroes past shall never be in vain” is a vow we take, a pledge we make, a reason for us to stand and with all our might fight our nation and its survival. In remembrance of our heroes and as a response to Nigeria’s call in lines 3 and 4, we take a vow in line 7 serve with our heart ( where love and faith reside ) and might ( which is our strength)
The final line of this verse is like a prophecy. As though the composer foresaw the conflicts that would arise as a result of the different cultures, tribes that make up this nation. The composer sought to remind us each time we sing this anthem that we are ONE nation (no matter how diverse we may be ) that the bonds that hold us together – the bonds of freedom, peace and unity – far outweigh whatever differences that we may have. We must see ourselves as Nigerians before anything else and to Nigeria my allegiance lies. Hence we must not allow our differences pull us apart but see them as opportunities to draw even closer together.
I will stop here for now, in part 2 I will cover the second verse of the anthem... so till next time
Friday, August 20, 2010
Long gone are the days when you could take a man at his word. When a man could get a loan from his fellow man based on his word that he would pay it back. A deal between two people did not need a horde of lawyers and numerous contracts, a simple handshake was enough to ensure that each person would keep his end of the deal. In summary, integrity is a virtue long lost.
One of the main causes of the degradation in our society is the blatant lack of integrity. In Nigeria, most leaders and citizens have little or no integrity. We look at every man (be he a political leader , a spiritual leader or an ordinary man on the street) with an eye of suspicion because we have almost no faith in what the words they speak. We automatically assume that all people are guilty until proven innocent. We instinctively feel that everyone around us seeks to cheat and take advantage of us, from the woman in the market to the politician promising heaven on earth. Ask a man selling electronics, if his wares are authentic and he will tell you yes, when he very well knows that they are not. In fact he would be willing to swear on his life that they are. What about the politicians and leaders, they stand behind various podiums and on different stages making vows and promises they have no intention of fulfilling and keeping. The church is not left out, nowadays we have ‘pastors’ and ‘men of God’ faking miracles and using all sort of devious means to take advantage of people. Since 1999, I have watched many people stand and take an oath to serve the best interest of this nation and its people. It seems ( and many times it has been proven) however, that they do anything but that. All these point to a lack of integrity. We have sacrificed our integrity at the altar of money, prestige and power.
The leaders are not the only culprits, you and I are also guilty. Do you maintain a standard of honesty and truth in all your dealings and interactions with people? When you give your word do you stand by it or are you a hypocrite? Can what you say be trusted? Are you a person of integrity? “He who has no sin should cast the first stone” says Jesus. Before you are quick to agree with me about the lack of integrity in our leaders, check yourself. Remove the log in your own eye before you remove the speck in another man’s eye.
Why is integrity so important to us, especially as Nigerians? Integrity is one of the principles upon which this nation was founded. It is a legacy that our fore fathers who fought for our independence freedom sought to pass on to all future generations . It is in our pledge and anthem. In the pledge we vow to be faithful, loyal and honest and to uphold the honour and glory of this nation. In one word, we vow to be people of integrity. We have clearly failed in this regard. However it is not too late for us to rise up and take our place. To be a person of excellence, a TYP person, you must be a person of integrity, maintaining your integrity in all things, big and small , consequential and inconsequential. It should be deeply ingrained in us. Psalm 25:21 says Let integrity and uprightness preserve me and it’s a fact that integrity is what will help redeem, restore and preserve the image of this country. If we fail to imbibe this character trait then our case will be that of the unfaithful described in Proverbs 11:3(The integrity of the upright will guide them but the perversity of the unfaithful will destroy them.) The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him(Proverbs 20: 7). Walking in integrity provides a blessing for those coming behind you. Due to the failure of many Nigerians to walk in integrity , we are currently paying a great price. Everywhere we go we are seen criminals or potential criminals. We are looked upon with wariness and misgiving if not blatant suspicion. Most countries are reluctant to give us visas because of the assumption that we are all up to no good. We are ranked among the most corrupt nations in the world. In fact we can blame the fact that we were so easily put on the terrorist list on the reality that in the eyes of the world, we have no integrity, thus we cannot be trusted.
Who then is a person of integrity? Such a person is an individual who is upright, loyal , faithful, honest, reliable and trustworthy. A person who can stand his ground when he is certain that he is right. A person of character, whose lifestyle is guided by principles and ethics. An individual who is not perfect but whole ; when he or she makes mistakes he or she has the courage to admit them , learn from them and come out a better person. A person who stands for the truth, no matter the circumstance.
Integrity is something we all need. Let us all pray to God to give us a spirit of integrity. On our own it will be a difficult if not impossible task but with God we can do all thing ( with God all things are possible). If there is one thing we as a people and a nation urgently need to regain and restore , it’s our integrity. Let’s change the image and impression we have given the world. Integrity is a virtue that is more valuable than all the riches in the world (Better a poor man who walks in integrity than a rich man who is perverse in his speech and is a fool.’) It is better to lose everything than to lose our integrity. When everything –money , family , friends etc – gone what remains and will stand the test of time is our integrity and God will definitely reward that. I will end with this quote ‘Don’t compromise yourself to gain money , power and prestige. You may not know how things will turn out when you stick up for the truth...but it will be right’( The promise study edition bible (CEV) by Thomas Nelson , copyright 1996).
Sunday, August 1, 2010
In the first part of this post, my main focus was the impression we give others of ourselves. This post focuses on how we see other people around us. I have discovered that when it comes to way we look at others the rule of not judging a book by its cover is very important. What basis do you use to judge people? Do you use the clothes they wear, the size of their bank account , the people they associate with, their occupation, their intelligence, their values , their level of education, their actions, the way they speak? I believe that we use a combination of all that I have mentioned and so much more ( the list is by no means exhaustive). By combining the answers to all these questions and our observations we get an impression and form an opinion of the people that we meet. Depending on how long we are able to interact with people, our impression of them can be based on a little or a lot. The impression of a man who you see staggering out of a bar, drunk and never see again and that of your fellow worker or classmate who you see and talk to everyday cannot be compared. For the man, you have only that one act as the basis on which you will form your opinion of him, while for your fellow worker you have a series of actions and observation on which to base your opinion.
Getting the right idea about who a person is, is very difficult because people have different agenda and idiosyncrasies which influence either positively or negatively the impression that we get from them. Never judge a person by only what you see or what you don’t see. You never know what they carry inside. Who they may be right now or who they will be in the future. Yes first impressions are very important but as hard as it may be, be willing to allow those first impressions change as you discover more about an individual. Be willing to give people a second chance to change the opinion you have of them.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Today I choose to leave you with these words of wisdom and advise you to think deeply on them. Look beyond the surface of these sayings and find the nuggets of wisdom hidden within. They are key in trying to live an excellent life.
‘He who observes the wind (and waits for all conditions to be favourable) will not sow and he who regards the clouds will not reap.’
‘Curse not the king, no not even in your thoughts and curse not the rich in your bedchamber, for a bird of the air will carry the voice and a winged creature will tell the matter.’
‘A soft answer turns away wrath but grievous words stir up anger .’
‘Better a poor man who walks in integrity than a rich man who is perverse in his speech and is a fool.’
‘Wine is a mocker , strong drink a riotous brawler and whoever errs or reels because of it is not wise.’
‘The simpleton considers every word he hears but a prudent man looks and considers well where he is going.’
‘Food gained by deceit is sweet to a man , but afterwards his mouth will be filled with gravel.’
‘A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches and loving favour rather than silver or gold.’
‘He who sows iniquity will reap calamity and futility and the rod of his wrath shall fail.’
‘Let another man praise you and not your own mouth, a stranger and not your own lips.’
‘Faithful are the wounds of a friend , but the kisses of an enemy are lavish and deceitful.’
‘Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard for out of it flow the springs of life.’
‘Hatred stirs up contention but love covers transgressions.’
‘Remember also your creator in the days of your youth before the evil days come or the years draw near when you will say I have no enjoyment of them.’
‘The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction’
‘There is a way that seems right to a man and appears straight before him but at the end it is the way of death.'
All these sayings are from the bible and be honest with yourself they are very true and contain a great deal of wisdom. Applying them in our lives will go a long way in making us better people. A word is enough for the wise.
The references for the verses in order of appearance are: Ecclesiastes 11:4, Ecclesiastes 10:20, Proverbs 15:1, Proverbs 19:1, Proverbs 20:1, Proverbs `14:15,Proverbs 20:17, Proverbs 22:1, Proverbs 22:8, Proverbs 27:1, Proverbs 27:6, Proverbs 4:23, Proverbs 10:12, Ecclesiastes 12:1, Proverbs 1:7,Proverbs 14:12.
Nessa D
Monday, July 12, 2010
...They matter, especially first impressions. First impressions more often than not determine how other people see you and how they treat and respond to you. I know that the saying “first impressions count.” has become a cliché however it became a cliché because it’s the truth. The way you present yourself to people, the way you dress, the way you comport and carry yourself, says a lot about you, whether you. Most times people use that impression to form rock solid opinions of you that are difficult to change. I am also aware of the popular saying that “you should not judge a book by its cover” but people let’s face facts, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, looks like a duck chances are it is a duck. The reality is for about 95% ( am being generous) of the time people are exactly what they appear to be. They may have reasons for being the way they are which can only be learnt by getting to know them better but most times first impressions of people especially when they don’t have time to try to impress you are usually right on point. However sometimes we get the wrong impression of people because they fail to communicate (verbal and non-verbal) who they are and what they are about and most times the false impressions they leave behind is what lasts in the minds of people. (Note: at time we fail to read people well and hence get the wrong impression).
Based on what I have said so far, let me pose these questions, what impression are you leaving in the minds of those you encounter? Does your speech, your dressing , your comportment and your behaviour tell other who you really are or does it leave the wrong idea with others. If someone was asked to describe you based on what they have observed about you, would what they say make you proud? For instance , if some of us were described based on our face book accounts, the pictures we upload, the things we write, the comments we make, what would be said about you, what impression have left with the numerous people who have access to your page?
Its time as for us (youth especially) to take responsibility for ourselves and know that whatever we do now affects our future in some way. If in school, you were known as someone with no scruples, when you meet up with any one from your school in the future and for some reason you need a job in his father’s company, would he want to bring someone with no ethics and who he cannot trust to his father’s company? Think on this for a minute. The decision to hire or not hire you, would be affected by the impression that he had of you in school whether you like it or not. Do you see the extent the impression we give of ourselves matter.
You never know who the person next to you will be in the next ten, twenty years. He or she may just the person you need to get to where you want to be and the impression that you have given of yourself can either make or break your chances. My uncle told me that he and the late president Yar’adua were classmates and casual friends in school, am certain neither of them knew that Yar’adua would one day be president. Once again I ask: what kind of impression are you leaving, is it one that shows you as a kind, dependable , reliable ,trustworthy , respectable, dignified person or does is it one that shows you as an irresponsible person with no vision who cannot be trusted. Does your dressing reflect the person you are on the inside and the person you wish to be perceived as or does it reflect who the media and fashion trends dictate you need to look like to be “hip”. Young men dress like gangsters and expect to be taken seriously, young ladies dress up and look more naked than covered and expect to be admired for what is on inside rather than their body as well as be treated with dignity and respect. Think about this.
It’s time to wake up and TYP. Carry yourself in a way that leaves a positive, long lasting impression of you on others. Most of all as a child of God carry of yourself knowing that you are supposed to be reflecting who He is at all times, whether or not anyone is watching. You don’t expect to see the daughter of the president going wild at a club or fighting at a restaurant, because she is the daughter of the president. How much more God , who is ruler of the whole world. The bible says in Ecclesiastes 10:3 “even when he who is a fool walks along the road, his heart and understanding fail him and he says of everyone and to everyone that he is a fool.” When people see you , do they see a fool or a person of wisdom? If you are not a fool , don’t dress like one and certainly don’t act like one. They say “don’t judge a book by its cover “I say let the cover reflect what is on the inside then we would have no problem. A person of excellence, a TYP person seeks to send the right message in all that he or she does. Today choose to be a person of excellence , a TYP person and leave the right impression in all that you do and wherever you go.
Nessa D.
A little note: this article focuses on you giving the right impression of yourself to others. When attempting to read others , we must be aware that what they present to us may not be the truth about who they really, in this case the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover “ would apply. Just because you have allowed your cover to reflect what is in you doesn’t mean the person next to you has. This article is about the way you present yourself, it does not apply to how others present themselves. It is encouraging you to be honest about who you are and what you are about. I hope to write a part two of this article talking about the impression we get from others.... till next time
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The “me” syndrome
The average human beings’ instinct is self preservation, that is a person is primarily concerned with his or her survival before that of others. We naturally look out for number one. Love, a sense of honour or duty usually motivates us to tamp down that instinct and put others before ourselves, hence you find a mother laying down her life for her child, soldiers willing dying for their country and so on.
If you ask people what they felt their purpose in this life is , it would boil down to making themselves happy at any cost. Most when they pray, spend that time asking for everything under the sun for themselves, its God destroy my enemies, give me a new car, I need a husband, LI need a job, and so on. How many people can say they have ever asked God in their prayers, God ,what do you need? , do you want me to do something for you? So you even the church, the people who should be the most unconcerned about themselves are plagued by the “me” syndrome. Basically my point here is that most people see no purpose beyond themselves, their world is only made of them and what affects them, nothing else. I think that is a sad way to live. If we are all only concerned only about ourselves then we will never progress. The “me” syndrome has put Nigeria in the mess that she is in today and it is what is keeping us from moving forward
A life that is focused on me is a sad and miserable one. Live a life that can be seen as a legacy because it made an impact. No one was created to be a nobody, we were all made to be somebody, to make an impact. As a father, as a mother, as a doctor, as a senator, as a teacher ; In whatever you do, take your place effectively by looking beyond yourself, going beyond yourself and making an impact and leaving behind a legacy. THE TRUTH IS THAT IT IS NOT ALL ABOUT ME, NOR IS IT ALL ABOUT YOU. IT’S ALL ABOUT US. Let’s get rid of the ‘me’ syndrome
Nessa D
Thursday, June 24, 2010
June 12 1993 , is a day that is forever etched in our memories and in the history of our country, Nigeria. One cannot talk about the journey of this nation without referring to June 12. It was a day of great hope and yet one of great sorrow. History remembers that day as the day that for once Nigeria did something right . on that day the freest and fairest election ever held in this country took place. The results of that election , named M.K.O Abiola as the winner and hence president elect of the federal republic of Nigeria. Whether he was the best person , whether he would have been able to take Nigeria to the next level is of no consequence, the point was that the people had made their choice and voice had been heard. Unfortunately the joy of the moment was short-lived as the then head of state Ibrahim Badamosi Babaginda declared the election null and void, turning a day that had started out so right into something so wrong. The voice of the people once again crushed and silenced. There is no need to rehash what happened after, we all know it very well. We ended up in the disastrous regime of General Sani Abacha and Nigeria ended in a pit that we are still trying to emerge from. Currently we are “enjoying” a sham that we call democracy ( looking at the last election, can we really say that we are in a democracy- a government of the people , for the people and by the people) hoping someday to recreate the June 12 election.
I was only three years old when June 12 saga took place. To me June 12 was a day to take cover and happily stay home from school (my constant prayer then was that June 12 would fall on a school day). As I grew older and became more aware of the world around me , I began to understand the deeper meaning of June 12. I wondered why there was so much fuss over that day, because as far as I was concerned Abiola was not the first man to be cheated out of what was rightfully his and he definitely has not been the last, so again why the fuss? As I looked at that day over the years, I came to realize that June 12 was so much more than Abiola. The man did not make the day, the day made the man.
To Nigeria and Nigerians, June 12 signifies the strength, unity, determination and courage inherent in the Nigerian people. This trait that endears and alienates us from other countries. June 12 is a day that carries the hope and dreams of the Nigerian people. On that day the Nigerian people cried out with one voice and that voice was heard. Since the first coup, Nigeria waited in silence for that day and now we look to the future believing that since that day came once , it can and it will come again. A day when the peoples’ will ,will stand and their voice heard again. The memory of that day gives us a reason to fight against the odds that seem insurmountable. It gives us the strength to face the new challenges and refuse to give up.
The inadequacies of our so called democracy are even more glaring because it fails to meet the standard that June 12 set. For on that day Nigeria for the first time experienced the true meaning of democracy - a government of the people, for the people and by the people. The essence of any country’s democracy is the people for without the people there is no government and obviously no democracy and June 12 was about the Nigerian people and what they wanted. We wait, looking for a day to replace June 12, a day that we will experience again, the true meaning of democracy.
So you see , June 12 is more than a day, more than man, it is the hope of Nigeria, the strength of our people and the foundation of our dreams. We look to that day when we want lose faith in our nation, when its seems that we can never do anything right, when it looks like our country is known only for the wrong reasons. We look to that day and we say once upon a time we did something right, we say on this piece of God given land freedom, fairness and justice prevailed and on this piece of God given land freedom fairness and justice will once again prevail.
Nessa D
Saturday, June 19, 2010
We keep expecting the government to make things better but the truth is they can only do so much. It’s a fact that we have a lot of issues with those in seat of power but all the blame cannot be laid at their feet. If you are looking for who is responsible for putting this country in the mess that it is in today the you need only look into a mirror, yes there are those who are more responsible than others but you played a part. You may ask, ME? And I say yes, you. How, you wonder? Follow my thinking for a minute and you will understand how: I was born and have lived in Lagos all my life. Two major issues that we have had in Lagos for as long as I can remember is traffic and the pollution due to rubbish littering the roads and general environment. The government in Lagos has put in traffic lights and other road regulations as some measures to help reduces congestion and organise traffic, but how many people obey these traffic lights and regulations. A typical Lagosian, once he reaches a light will check if there is a LASTMA or police official around and if he sees none will beat the light if he can. If everybody follows his example imagine the chaos or when there is a bit of traffic people will turn a one way road into a two way road or at times a 3 lane highway into a 5 lane highway. Tell me, how will the traffic issue ever be resolved? After this we will gather and complain about the increasing traffic jams and how the government is doing nothing about it. Another instance is where we complaining how dirty the area is, yet we do not hesitate to wind down our car windows and fling rubbish unto the street after all it’s already dirty- ever heard the saying- tiny drops of water make a mighty ocean, well tiny scraps of rubbish make a huge pile of rubbish. All our little rubbish is what created those piles that we complain that the government should do something about. These are just two small examples, apply it to other areas of life, do you see how you helped define your environment?
It’s true that those at the top often fail to carry out their responsibilities but that does not mean you should fail to carry out yours. You are not responsible for the actions of others but you are responsible for your actions and your response to the actions of others. Before you act think about what the multiplier effect of your actions would be on your society. Those in power have a part to play in restoring our nation but so do we. Instead of complaining about how others fail to do their part, DO YOUR PART,LIVE UP TO YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES AND TAKE YOUR PLACE. If everybody focused on doing their part we would definitely do some progress. It’s time to ask what can I do to make my community, my society, my country better? Stop waiting for someone to make things better, GET UP and in your own way make things better . No one is too small to make a difference. Remember - tiny drops of water make a mighty ocean. Am determined in my own way to make a difference, to TAKE MY PLACE, the question now is ARE YOU?
Nessa D
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Another thing that motivates me is my strong belief in the power and greatness in Nigeria. I believe that Nigeria is diamond in the rough. We are so blessed. Nigeria has the capacity to be greater than America. We are people of incredible strength and determination. we have spirit that refuses to be intimidated , we are a people who are able to defy the odds. I believe that if we all buy into the TYP legacy then we can show the world this Nigeria that I see
Thursday, June 3, 2010
taking your place is not just about occupying the position as father , mother , senator , citizen but about fufilling the duties and role of that position to the maximum and being the best you can be in that position.
TYP is a legacy I hope to instill in many people. That the world we live is not just about 'I' but about 'US'. Every man , woman and child in all that they do will look beyond themselves and seek the benefit of others. People will stop asking what others can do for them but look for what they can do for others. TYP is about being about doing the right thing because it is right, being the best in all that you do and striving for excellence in all things. TYP invovles standing out in crowd and standing up for the truth no matter the consequences. Going left even if the whole goes right as long as left is the right. TYP seeks to leave a legacy that freedom, truth , integrity, honor are more than words they are a way of life.
my main focus is my country,Nigeria. I believe that if every nigerian adopts the TYP mentality our country will progress.
well am closing now..... to all Nigerians,Africans and to all people, in every man,in every society lies the potential for greatness but its up to us to individually and as a whole harness that greatness and turn it into a reality.