Long gone are the days when you could take a man at his word. When a man could get a loan from his fellow man based on his word that he would pay it back. A deal between two people did not need a horde of lawyers and numerous contracts, a simple handshake was enough to ensure that each person would keep his end of the deal. In summary, integrity is a virtue long lost.
One of the main causes of the degradation in our society is the blatant lack of integrity. In Nigeria, most leaders and citizens have little or no integrity. We look at every man (be he a political leader , a spiritual leader or an ordinary man on the street) with an eye of suspicion because we have almost no faith in what the words they speak. We automatically assume that all people are guilty until proven innocent. We instinctively feel that everyone around us seeks to cheat and take advantage of us, from the woman in the market to the politician promising heaven on earth. Ask a man selling electronics, if his wares are authentic and he will tell you yes, when he very well knows that they are not. In fact he would be willing to swear on his life that they are. What about the politicians and leaders, they stand behind various podiums and on different stages making vows and promises they have no intention of fulfilling and keeping. The church is not left out, nowadays we have ‘pastors’ and ‘men of God’ faking miracles and using all sort of devious means to take advantage of people. Since 1999, I have watched many people stand and take an oath to serve the best interest of this nation and its people. It seems ( and many times it has been proven) however, that they do anything but that. All these point to a lack of integrity. We have sacrificed our integrity at the altar of money, prestige and power.
The leaders are not the only culprits, you and I are also guilty. Do you maintain a standard of honesty and truth in all your dealings and interactions with people? When you give your word do you stand by it or are you a hypocrite? Can what you say be trusted? Are you a person of integrity? “He who has no sin should cast the first stone” says Jesus. Before you are quick to agree with me about the lack of integrity in our leaders, check yourself. Remove the log in your own eye before you remove the speck in another man’s eye.
Why is integrity so important to us, especially as Nigerians? Integrity is one of the principles upon which this nation was founded. It is a legacy that our fore fathers who fought for our independence freedom sought to pass on to all future generations . It is in our pledge and anthem. In the pledge we vow to be faithful, loyal and honest and to uphold the honour and glory of this nation. In one word, we vow to be people of integrity. We have clearly failed in this regard. However it is not too late for us to rise up and take our place. To be a person of excellence, a TYP person, you must be a person of integrity, maintaining your integrity in all things, big and small , consequential and inconsequential. It should be deeply ingrained in us. Psalm 25:21 says Let integrity and uprightness preserve me and it’s a fact that integrity is what will help redeem, restore and preserve the image of this country. If we fail to imbibe this character trait then our case will be that of the unfaithful described in Proverbs 11:3(The integrity of the upright will guide them but the perversity of the unfaithful will destroy them.) The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him(Proverbs 20: 7). Walking in integrity provides a blessing for those coming behind you. Due to the failure of many Nigerians to walk in integrity , we are currently paying a great price. Everywhere we go we are seen criminals or potential criminals. We are looked upon with wariness and misgiving if not blatant suspicion. Most countries are reluctant to give us visas because of the assumption that we are all up to no good. We are ranked among the most corrupt nations in the world. In fact we can blame the fact that we were so easily put on the terrorist list on the reality that in the eyes of the world, we have no integrity, thus we cannot be trusted.
Who then is a person of integrity? Such a person is an individual who is upright, loyal , faithful, honest, reliable and trustworthy. A person who can stand his ground when he is certain that he is right. A person of character, whose lifestyle is guided by principles and ethics. An individual who is not perfect but whole ; when he or she makes mistakes he or she has the courage to admit them , learn from them and come out a better person. A person who stands for the truth, no matter the circumstance.
Integrity is something we all need. Let us all pray to God to give us a spirit of integrity. On our own it will be a difficult if not impossible task but with God we can do all thing ( with God all things are possible). If there is one thing we as a people and a nation urgently need to regain and restore , it’s our integrity. Let’s change the image and impression we have given the world. Integrity is a virtue that is more valuable than all the riches in the world (Better a poor man who walks in integrity than a rich man who is perverse in his speech and is a fool.’) It is better to lose everything than to lose our integrity. When everything –money , family , friends etc – gone what remains and will stand the test of time is our integrity and God will definitely reward that. I will end with this quote ‘Don’t compromise yourself to gain money , power and prestige. You may not know how things will turn out when you stick up for the truth...but it will be right’( The promise study edition bible (CEV) by Thomas Nelson , copyright 1996).