Monday, July 12, 2010


...They matter, especially first impressions. First impressions more often than not determine how other people see you and how they treat and respond to you. I know that the saying “first impressions count.” has become a cliché however it became a cliché because it’s the truth. The way you present yourself to people, the way you dress, the way you comport and carry yourself, says a lot about you, whether you. Most times people use that impression to form rock solid opinions of you that are difficult to change. I am also aware of the popular saying that “you should not judge a book by its cover” but people let’s face facts, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, looks like a duck chances are it is a duck. The reality is for about 95% ( am being generous) of the time people are exactly what they appear to be. They may have reasons for being the way they are which can only be learnt by getting to know them better but most times first impressions of people especially when they don’t have time to try to impress you are usually right on point. However sometimes we get the wrong impression of people because they fail to communicate (verbal and non-verbal) who they are and what they are about and most times the false impressions they leave behind is what lasts in the minds of people. (Note: at time we fail to read people well and hence get the wrong impression).

Based on what I have said so far, let me pose these questions, what impression are you leaving in the minds of those you encounter? Does your speech, your dressing , your comportment and your behaviour tell other who you really are or does it leave the wrong idea with others. If someone was asked to describe you based on what they have observed about you, would what they say make you proud? For instance , if some of us were described based on our face book accounts, the pictures we upload, the things we write, the comments we make, what would be said about you, what impression have left with the numerous people who have access to your page?

Its time as for us (youth especially) to take responsibility for ourselves and know that whatever we do now affects our future in some way. If in school, you were known as someone with no scruples, when you meet up with any one from your school in the future and for some reason you need a job in his father’s company, would he want to bring someone with no ethics and who he cannot trust to his father’s company? Think on this for a minute. The decision to hire or not hire you, would be affected by the impression that he had of you in school whether you like it or not. Do you see the extent the impression we give of ourselves matter.

You never know who the person next to you will be in the next ten, twenty years. He or she may just the person you need to get to where you want to be and the impression that you have given of yourself can either make or break your chances. My uncle told me that he and the late president Yar’adua were classmates and casual friends in school, am certain neither of them knew that Yar’adua would one day be president. Once again I ask: what kind of impression are you leaving, is it one that shows you as a kind, dependable , reliable ,trustworthy , respectable, dignified person or does is it one that shows you as an irresponsible person with no vision who cannot be trusted. Does your dressing reflect the person you are on the inside and the person you wish to be perceived as or does it reflect who the media and fashion trends dictate you need to look like to be “hip”. Young men dress like gangsters and expect to be taken seriously, young ladies dress up and look more naked than covered and expect to be admired for what is on inside rather than their body as well as be treated with dignity and respect. Think about this.

It’s time to wake up and TYP. Carry yourself in a way that leaves a positive, long lasting impression of you on others. Most of all as a child of God carry of yourself knowing that you are supposed to be reflecting who He is at all times, whether or not anyone is watching. You don’t expect to see the daughter of the president going wild at a club or fighting at a restaurant, because she is the daughter of the president. How much more God , who is ruler of the whole world. The bible says in Ecclesiastes 10:3 “even when he who is a fool walks along the road, his heart and understanding fail him and he says of everyone and to everyone that he is a fool.” When people see you , do they see a fool or a person of wisdom? If you are not a fool , don’t dress like one and certainly don’t act like one. They say “don’t judge a book by its cover “I say let the cover reflect what is on the inside then we would have no problem. A person of excellence, a TYP person seeks to send the right message in all that he or she does. Today choose to be a person of excellence , a TYP person and leave the right impression in all that you do and wherever you go.

Nessa D.

A little note: this article focuses on you giving the right impression of yourself to others. When attempting to read others , we must be aware that what they present to us may not be the truth about who they really, in this case the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover “ would apply. Just because you have allowed your cover to reflect what is in you doesn’t mean the person next to you has. This article is about the way you present yourself, it does not apply to how others present themselves. It is encouraging you to be honest about who you are and what you are about. I hope to write a part two of this article talking about the impression we get from others.... till next time

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