Sunday, November 21, 2010


This is a continuation of Nigeria arise 1. This post focuses on the second verse. The second verse goes like this:
O God of creation,
Direct our noble cause,
Guide our leaders right ,
And our youth the truth to know,
In love and honesty to grow,
And living just and true,
Great lofty heights attain,
To build a nation where ,
Peace and justice shall reign.
This second verse is not as popular as the first, yet it is my belief that it is just as important. It is a very deep and powerful verse which reveals a lot about the foundation of this nation. The first line says “oh God of creation” this line shows that our forefathers, who fought for our freedom, established this nation on a belief and reliance on God, not just any god but the Alpha and Omega , THE GOD OF CREATION . This second verse is a prayer. When we sing it, we should sing as such. It’s a cry to God to support our nation. We ask for direction for our cause through time (line 2). We seek his guidance for our leaders and enlightenment for our youth- the future leaders . We pray to become a people of integrity , filled with love for one another and our country(lines 5 and 6). We ask that with all these in place we will attain the great height for which have always been destined and finally TAKE OUR PLACE in the world. Finally, we pray for unity in our great diversity, that we will be a nation where peace and justice reign. The author of this anthem looked and saw the possible problems that we would encounter and wrote this prayer as part of the anthem, so that as we sing we as a nation are united in prayer and sow a good seed into our future as a nation. You will agree that our leaders in all spheres of life are in need of guidance – for most of our leaders , the way they are, is not the way they should be. Our youth are in desperate need the truth about life, many are living a life with tangled priorities and misguided notion of life. We need a good dose of integrity. Peace, unity and justice are more than needed in our society. It is high time we showed the world that greatness that is within us. Clearly , looking at where we are today , we need the help of God in getting to where we wish to be. It’s not something we can on our own.
The next time you sing this verse , sing with your heart, mind and soul; pray it, mean it. you may ask what you can do for your nation? This is one thing you can do : T.Y.P and sow this seed of prayer into its future.
NOTE :The pledge will be final post under this topic and it will come later, I have other things in mind to write about. So watch out for the next post. As usual feedback is appreciated and constructive criticism will not be ignored. T.Y.P is now on facebook so you can join by following this link :
Till next time...

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